Climate Education

Vital Education

Climate education is now a vital education as there is a genuine climate emergency that we’re all a part of. As a company, each member of staff is taking accountability, opening up the energy industry to people from all walks of life to keep the climate change conversation going to encourage, educate, inspire and include. Find out how we are helping to make a step change to encourage people to make a difference.

Accountability & Action

We want to share the good work we’re doing to reduce carbon emissions by working with schools to inspire the next generation and empower them to make small changes that will have a big impact on our journey to net zero. Through our low carbon projects, social engagement with local communities, interaction and education of the green workforce of the future as well as encouraging our own friends and family to make these small changes. We will take positive steps towards providing the toolkit needed to fight against climate change and make a lasting impression.

Accountability & Action
  • customer-service

    If you are interested to find out more and join our Vital Education campaign then please fill in the contact form below

  • Got a project in mind?

    Tell us about your project and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.